From Honduras to Mexico

In the month of November I was in Honduras and went through El Salvador and Guatemala pretty quick. My goal was to arrive in Mexico by December 1st to spend as much time as possible with my family who lives here.

So after Honduras I took the TICA Bus which goes from Panama to Tapachula, Mexico. Very great service and not too expensive. From Honduras to El Salvador I paid $15; from El Salvador to Guatemala $17, from Guatemala to Mexico $32. Tica Bus is a great way to cross borders because of their good reputation with immigration, it makes the process a lot easier.

The only border that where I was checked more than usual was El Salvador. From the entire bus only two were asked to get off to check their baggage, and I was one of them. I think they thought it was unusual to see a girl on her own traveling. So I took my bag off the bus and poor officer had to go through all my bags. The way I pack to create more space and organization is by putting everything in ziplock bags (good packing tip).

photo 4-1

my packing technique!

So to check my backpack took about 30 minutes; the other passengers weren’t so happy about that. I in the other hand did not mind, and actually was grateful that there was some form of immigration checking.

In El Salvador I only spent two days. I spent it eating pupusas, at the beach and with my Salvadorian friend. 

After El Salvador, I was back on the TICA bus on my way to Guatemala. Crossing to Guatemala was simple as well and I was excited to finally see anti-trafficking posters at the border cross. I was impressed that the poster was not only to bring awareness of trafficking but it educates the reader about the difference of Smuggling people and Human-Trafficking.

Anti-trafficking poster

Anti-trafficking poster

As soon as I arrived to the City of Guatemala I went straight to Antigua, which is about an hour away. In Guatemala I spent only 3 days. My time in Antigua was spent with the indigenous women who go to the city to sale their hand made art. I had an amazing time chatting with them and helping them attract the “gringos” to their stand 😀 Here are some pics of the ladies in my photoblog: RaquelCorina Photography

After Guatemala I took a bus to Tapachula, Mexico in Chiapas. OOOHH and how happy I was to be heading to Mexico. I had a smile the entire drive to Mexico which was about 7 hours. I was so happy one because I have family to see in Mexico and two because the ENTIRE year I was waiting for the moment to step on Mexico land. On the bus I think the reality of this incredible trip hit me. I kept thinking, WOW I cant believe I just crossed South and Central America in a span of one year and most of the way on my own! Its exciting when I think about it 🙂 

So now to Mexico! I will be stopping in Oaxaca, Guanajuato and Chihuahua. If I had more money I would go everywhere in 20 days! But I am in my last dollar so I figured if I go see family it will save me $$ jaja 🙂 

AHH Life is good! 

Next Stop Oaxaca!